Monday, 25 March 2013

Third Anniversary!

Yesterday our little church plant celebrated its THIRD anniversary as meeting as a church--in a packed salon. It was a great time of celebrating all that God has done through people and in our neighborhood the past three or so years!

Of course, we ended the celebration by eating-- a giant feast! What party is complete without eating way too much food?!

Lord willing, our next anniversary will be on a piece of land that we OWN!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Lots going on!

Its been a busy week, but lets see if i can catch you up!

On tuesday we had another group from Nebraska visit us! Good to have some people from my state come down! They played with the kiddos again (about 75 came out to play!), they also cleaned up trash from around the community center.

Yesterday we had our closing ceremony for this block of community center classes. It was raining ALL day and then within an hour of the event it stopped and cleared up! Despite the gloominess of the day.... 50ish people came, played games, was acknowledged for their hard work in classes, and heard the Gospel!

of course the view wasn't bad either!

Tomorrow we celebrate the THIRD anniversary of our little church plant! =)

Another thing... want to hear a great sermon from John Piper? Go here!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday we had our second annual Easter Egg Hunt!

We were a little concerned that it was sprinkling  and super cloudy as we were setting up. Typically Mexicans don't enjoying going out when there is a threat of rain. But, just as we prayed it stopped sprinkling  AND some kiddos started coming EARLY!

Even though the rain didn't hold off 150ish people came... dyed 360 eggs, decorated almost 600 sugar cookies, hunted for 1300 easter eggs and most importantly heard the Gospel!

Thank you all for praying and a BIG thank you to all the ladies, church people and visitors for ALL YOUR help.

Please continue to pray for all the people that heard the gospel for the first time!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Full House!

Hotel Tina is currently full to capacity and I think it is fun! It is great having people stay with me, get to experience what it is like to live here, see the area that we serve AND meet the incredible people here!

This week is going to be full of going to the city to show people around, getting ready for our easter egg hunt that happens this weekend (you can pray for that!), classes, parties, lunches with people, coffee with others. phew!

 In other news: I got up early enough to see this incredible sunrise over the volcanoes!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Sports and white people!

Yesterday a group from Wayne State in Nebraska came down to Ixtapaluca. They are serving in Mexico City this week. They are doing all sorts of crazy cool stuff like helping at an ladies home, serving at a soup kitchen, and helping with a street kid ministry. But they took a day to come visit us! I know one of the leaders, Michelle, she worked for me at Camp Rivercrest-- great girl!

All 13 kiddos arrived around noon and we gave them a little tour of the ministries and area. You would think we were almost a circus walking around. Not only were we a giant group of white people but the boys in the group were super tall-- and loud! ha

After lunch they helped us stuff 1200 easter eggs for our easter egg hunt in a week and a half.

And finally they played. With over 100 kiddos- MOST of them we don't know! I know God will use this group playing with these kids to help us build even more relationships in this community!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

church property, freezing cold and a great day!

I was going to begin writing this blog about how STINKING cold it is. But Rod already did that. So go read his! But seriously, in the evenings... almost hits freezing. Did i mention we don't have heaters?! It is better that we get to see the snow capped volcanoes today! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!

Today was  great church service-- well the kiddos were a little squirely (sp?) but good testimonies, reflections, Lords supper and worship!
After church I was able to hang out with the Fry family, Tiff, Fabian and Mel. We went to a really far away, really good buffet that totally blew our diet for the week, but it was worth it!
Then back to the Frys house for a bit before catching the Cirque du Soleil movie with the girls! The movie was--- interesting!

I know that you have read about our church property-- how everyone here is pitching in to help purchase the land! It is pretty incredible watching everyone use whatever talents or abilities they have to raise money (even when they don't have much money to even feed their own family!). I put a photo below of the food sale that happens Fridays and Saturdays! If you want to help us purchase land.... we need to raise about $12000 more (yes, thats in dollars!). If you would like to help--- go here! Every penny helps us!