Thursday 18 July 2013

Youth Rally Day One AND Community Projects

Today we began our little three day youth rally. It was designed with youth in mind, unlike a VBS where it is very stuctured- the day is pretty laid back- and it is all themed around MOVIES!

Today we played some basketball, movie trivia game, ate popcorn, shaved ice, played the WII, card games, jump rope tug of war... and of course we had some worship and a bible lesson (God is the director of your life)!

We had been posting flyers and posters around the neighborhood, and putting it online, telling the youth at church etc. But after we were not able to hand out flyers because of the crazy rain storm, I was wondering if anyone would come.

But, they did! We had 25-26 youth plus all of the interns, and us around 35 total! And to make it even BETTER we had new kids that we had never met, some coming with a friend and some coming alone.

It was a great day, everyone had a great time. I can not wait to see what God continues to do the last two days of the rally. We would appreciate your prayers!

The last two days the interns have been hard at work doing some community improvement. Yesterday they painted the curbs on the soccer court and mowing the long thick grass in front of the community center. Today they painted a hand ball court on the side of the water tower.  Previously it was a wall, often used for handball, that was covered in graffiti. 


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