Thursday 12 December 2013

December 12

Before the Christmas season "officially" begins on December 16, Mexicans celebrate the festivities of La Virgen de Guadalupe, Our Lady of Guadalupe, on December 12.    This is one of the most important dates in the Mexican calendar.  

 On this date, millions of  the faithful to Our Lady of Guadalupe,  from all over the country make the  pilgrimage  to the Basílica of Guadalupe, in Mexico City, where the image of the virgin is kept.

On the day before the great celebration, millions of people start to arrive.  Many of them make the trip by bicycle.  Trucks follow them to provide assistance. These riders, mainly men, tirelessly  riding their  bikes kilometer after kilometer, with their hearts set on seeing - our Lady of Guadalupe.Usually they have
either a statue or a framed picture of the virgin strapped to their backs.

Some of the people arrive crawling on their knees as a sign of devotion.

No matter how many times you see people passionately seeking approval from their false God, it still breaks your heart. THe fireworks and the parties have been happening for twenty four hours and I really doubt tonight is any different! 


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