Wednesday 7 May 2014

English Tutoring

On Sunday evening a lady that lives behind me came over. I have helped her younger boys with their english homework before. That has always consisted of me writing a short (2nd grade level) story in english and the boys illustrating it! Easy, and kinda fun!

She has a niece that is in prepa (High school) her and her friends needed help prepping for a high english exam this week. They wanted to know if i would be willing to help them for a few hours on monday. Sure!

Monday came and five youth showed up (on time- thats how i knew they really needed help!)

They had 200 pages of a workbook they need to finish and get ready for this exam. gesh!

Three hours later we got a dent in what needed to be done.

Tuesday they came again.... for five hours (7am-12).

Today they are back... and tomorrow too (their exam is friday).

Right now, they are writing short essays. The instructions said, "write a short essay on... The Benefits Of......". One girl is writing on the benefits of foreigners in Mexico! HAHA

English tutoring is not something I consider myself good at and not something that i usually enjoy. But, I have had a lot of fun with these kids! They are funny, work hard trying to understand the english rules, we have drank a lot of coffee and ate a lot of tamales.

I do wish they lived in Jesus Maria.

Anyways, i wasn't expecting to do this all week, but it has been fun! I hope that they pass this english test! They have also asked a lot of questions about why i am here, what i believe etc. I hope that now that they heard the Gospel that they will think about what they have heard!

1 comment:

  1. Tina! That's awesome that you're tutoring these girls and using the time to share the gospel with them :). I hope they pass their test too, but I hope they keep coming back :)
