Saturday 22 November 2014

What you learn at a hospital in Mexico

For the record: I was not the patient, just the person WITH the patient ;)

1.  Never, ever take for granted the technological advanced-ness that the hospitals in the States have.
There were stone age type writers, x-ray machines and ways of taking blood.

2. Sometimes you have to question if the nurse is old enough to drive let alone have gone to college to be a nurse.

3. If they take a part of you out (during surgery) they will give you that piece (as a keepsake?) after surgery.

4. Coffee. Where is it? Seriously lacking in the coffee department

5. If you take someone to the hospital, be prepared to sign a million forms. Sign that you will be responsible for meds, payment, sign a paper every time you talk to the doctors etc. I probably signed my name 100 times.

6. You have to pay a deductible before they will even do emergency surgery, and finish paying before you leave the hospital.

7. You need to keep an eye on IV's. They will run out and you need to find someone to switch it... or it will be empty for hours.

8. Sometimes you have to be willing to argue and go to the people ten times to get the care that is needed. (even when they look at you like your crazy or annoyed at you)

9. ONE person to be in the patients room at a time. They have a guard sitting at the bottom of the steps. Sometimes I was able to outsmart him, sometimes I got yelled at ;)

10. Very different sanitation rules... Clean but not as clean.... needles just in trash cans, walls scuffed up, floors needing mopped etc.

11. (observation from Jessica) Surgery rooms is not a room like in the states. There were lots of people, no prep room, and not much privacy for patient.
There is also no room for recovery. They just put you in your room!

12. Never believe what the first person says.... always ask at least three. That goes for doctors AND nurses.

13. Nurses can give meds behind the doctors back *and you will probably be thankful for that*

14. Not a super organized chart keeping system.

15. The average cost for an appendectomy in the US, $27,000 *without insurance* plus medicines
The cost for one in Ixtapaluca Mexico, $900 plus medicines

All and all, good experience at the hospital. Pretty good care, just not what you would expect in the good 'ol U S of A. But hey, can't be the price really.
Remember, just bring your own coffee.

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